中间层材料Fe和Nb对高强钛-钢复合管界面及剪切强度的影响 |
程磊( ), 张旭航, 韩盈, 程志诚, 余伟 |
北京科技大学 工程技术研究院 北京 100083 |
Effects of Interlayer Materials Fe and Nb on Interfacial Shear Strength of Hot Extruded High-Strength Titanium-Steel Composite Pipe |
CHENG Lei( ), ZHANG Xuhang, HAN Ying, CHENG Zhicheng, YU Wei |
Institute of Engineering Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China |
程磊, 张旭航, 韩盈, 程志诚, 余伟. 中间层材料Fe和Nb对高强钛-钢复合管界面及剪切强度的影响[J]. 金属学报, 2024, 60(1): 117-128.
Xuhang ZHANG,
Ying HAN,
Zhicheng CHENG,
Wei YU.
Effects of Interlayer Materials Fe and Nb on Interfacial Shear Strength of Hot Extruded High-Strength Titanium-Steel Composite Pipe[J]. Acta Metall Sin, 2024, 60(1): 117-128.
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