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金属学报  2022, Vol. 58 Issue (9): 1199-1207    DOI: 10.11900/0412.1961.2021.00432
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
单一 MX 型析出相强化马氏体耐热钢力学性能及蠕变行为
李小琳1(), 刘林锡1, 李雅婷1, 杨佳伟1, 邓想涛2, 王海丰1
1.西北工业大学 凝固技术国家重点实验室及先进润滑与密封材料研究中心 西安 710072
2.东北大学 轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室 沈阳 110819
Mechanical Properties and Creep Behavior of MX-Type Precipitates Strengthened Heat Resistant Martensite Steel
LI Xiaolin1(), LIU Linxi1, LI Yating1, YANG Jiawei1, DENG Xiangtao2, WANG Haifeng1
1.State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing & Center of Advanced Lubrication and Seal Materials, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China

李小琳, 刘林锡, 李雅婷, 杨佳伟, 邓想涛, 王海丰. 单一 MX 型析出相强化马氏体耐热钢力学性能及蠕变行为[J]. 金属学报, 2022, 58(9): 1199-1207.
Xiaolin LI, Linxi LIU, Yating LI, Jiawei YANG, Xiangtao DENG, Haifeng WANG. Mechanical Properties and Creep Behavior of MX-Type Precipitates Strengthened Heat Resistant Martensite Steel[J]. Acta Metall Sin, 2022, 58(9): 1199-1207.

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利用Thermo-Calc软件计算与实验相结合的方法设计出一种在长时服役过程中仅存在MX相的马氏体耐热钢,成分为Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V,其室温屈服强度、抗拉强度和断裂延伸率分别为266 MPa、413 MPa和38%。经轧制+正火处理的Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V钢在700℃时效1、10、100和1000 h后,进行高温硬度检测,结果表明,随着时效时间的延长,马氏体耐热钢在700℃的高温硬度保持稳定。对时效不同时间的钢中析出相进行TEM表征,发现随着时效时间的延长(1~1000 h),析出相的平均尺寸从10.8 nm增加至17.8 nm。时效1000 h时,MX相的成分为Zr0.46Nb0.14C0.4,体积分数为0.29%。根据蠕变实验结果分析,其在650和700℃的门槛应力分别为54.5和28.4 MPa。

关键词 马氏体耐热钢MX型析出相蠕变行为门槛应力CALPHAD技术    

There has been a push in the past few decades to increase the operating temperature of steam generators to the ultra-supercritical (USC) regime. This requires that creep-resistant alloys can operate at 650-700°C for 30 years. P91 and P92 steels are commercially applied in USC steam generator applications. However, these steels fail due to the coarsening of M23C6 and Laves phases during long-term service. Therefore, it is significant to restrict the formation of easily coarsened precipitates. In this study, a martensitic heat-resistant steel strengthened by single MX precipitates is designed using the Thermo-Calc software, as Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V. The yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation at room temperature are 266 MPa, 413 MPa, and 38%, respectively. The high-temperature hardnesses of specimens aged at 700oC for 1, 10, 100, and 1000 h were tested at 700oC after normalizing treatment, which illustrates that the high-temperature hardness of the specimens remains stable with increased aging time. In addition, TEM was used to characterize the precipitates in the heat-resistant steel aged for different times. It is found that with the increase of aging time (1-1000 h), the average size of the precipitates increases from 10.8 to 17.8 nm. The composition of MX precipitates in the specimens aged for 1000 h is Zr0.46Nb0.14C0.4 and the volume fraction is 0.29%. According to the creep test results, the threshold stresses at 650 and 700oC are 54.5 and 28.4 MPa, respectively.

Key wordsmartensite heat-resistant steel    MX-type precipitate    creep behavior    threshold stress    CALPHAD technique
收稿日期: 2021-10-15     
ZTFLH:  TG113  
作者简介: 李小琳,女,1990年生,副教授,博士
图1  传统马氏体耐热钢(P91和T合金)相图
图2  成分设计流程图及筛选过程示意图
图3  目标成分合金的相图和性质图
图4  经HR + N处理的Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V钢在700℃时效1 h的OM和TEM像
图5  析出相形貌及尺寸分布图
图6  经HR + N处理后Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V钢在700℃时效1000 h所得析出相的成分分析
MethodAtomic fractionMass fraction
TEM-EDS analysis0.460.140.400.710.210.08
Thermo-Calc prediction0.420.0930.490.7230.1650.112
表1  经HR + N处理后Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V钢在700℃时效1000 h所得析出相的成分 (%)
图7  经HR + N处理后Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V钢在700℃时效1000 h后析出相的HRTEM像、FFT谱及IFFT谱
图8  Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V钢在700℃时效不同时间后在700℃的高温硬度
图9  Fe-0.03C-10Cr-0.2Zr-0.3V钢的蠕变性能
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