复合磁场对金属熔体流动及凝固组织的影响 |
朱锐1, 王俊杰1, 张云虎1( ), 田志超2, 苗信成2( ), 翟启杰1 |
1 上海大学 先进凝固技术中心 上海 200444 2 辽宁科技大学 材料与冶金学院 鞍山 114051 |
Flow and Solidification Microstructure in Metal Melts Driven by a Combined Magnetic Field |
ZHU Rui1, WANG Junjie1, ZHANG Yunhu1( ), TIAN Zhichao2, MIAO Xincheng2( ), ZHAI Qijie1 |
1 Center for Advanced Solidification Technology, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 2 School of Materials and Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China |
朱锐, 王俊杰, 张云虎, 田志超, 苗信成, 翟启杰. 复合磁场对金属熔体流动及凝固组织的影响[J]. 金属学报, 2024, 60(2): 231-246.
Rui ZHU,
Junjie WANG,
Yunhu ZHANG,
Zhichao TIAN,
Xincheng MIAO,
Qijie ZHAI.
Flow and Solidification Microstructure in Metal Melts Driven by a Combined Magnetic Field[J]. Acta Metall Sin, 2024, 60(2): 231-246.
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