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金属学报  1993, Vol. 29 Issue (1): 33-38    
  论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
AI Suhua;WANG Zhongguang;ZHANG Yun;HU Zhuangqi State Key Laboratory for Fatigue and Fracture of Materials; Institute of Metal Research; Academia Sinica; Shenyang

艾素华;王中光;张匀;胡壮麒. Al-Li合金的疲劳性能[J]. 金属学报, 1993, 29(1): 33-38.
, , , . FATIGUE PROPERTIES OF AN Al-Li ALLOY[J]. Acta Metall Sin, 1993, 29(1): 33-38.

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摘要: 研究了8090Al—Li合金在自然和人工时效状态下光滑样品的室温疲劳寿命,以及在100,150和200℃下的高温疲劳性能。结果表明:人工时效的8090合金的疲劳寿命高于自然时效的;在两种时效状态下,与传统的高强Al合金LC4和LY12相比较,Al—Li合金的疲劳寿命均高。人工时效的8090合金随实验温度的升高,疲劳寿命明显降低;自然时效的8090和LY12合金,高温疲劳寿命虽然略有降低,但在200和150℃时分别有所提高。断口观察表明:Al—Li合金的疲劳裂纹均在表面和亚表面的冶金缺陷处萌生;且层状断裂特征比传统的Al合金更加明显。
关键词 Al-Li合金8090合金疲劳性能    
Abstract:The room temperature fatigue life of smooth specimens for alloy 8090 hasbeen investigated in natural ageing and artificial ageing conditions. The high temperature fa-tigue properties were also studied at 100--200℃. A parallel study was also made on tradi-tional Al alloys LC4 (artificial ageing) and LY12(natural aging)for comparison. The results showed that the artificially aged state resulted in an increase in fatigue life incomparison with the naturally aged state. As compared with the traditional high strength al-loys LC4 and LY12 both the artificially aged and naturally aged states caused a significantenhancement in fatigue life. The fatigue life reduced markedly with increasing temperature forartificially aged alloy 8090. Though high temperarure fatigue life decreased a little for natural-ly aged alloys 8090 and LY12, there was increasing during 200℃ and 150℃, respectively. The observation of fracture surface demonstrated the fatigue cracks in alloy 8090 mainlyinitiated from the metallurgical defects on surfaces and subsurfaces. It also showed that thecharacter of laminated fracture was more obvious in alloy 8090 than in tranditional alumini-um.
Key wordsAl-Li alloy    alloy 8090    fatigue property
收稿日期: 1993-01-18     
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