微米级选区激光熔化316L不锈钢的拉伸力学性能 |
张楠1,2, 张海武2, 王淼辉1,2( ) |
1 中机新材料研究院(郑州)有限公司 郑州 450001 2 中国机械科学研究总院集团有限公司 北京 100044 |
Tensile Mechanical Properties of Micro-Selective Laser Melted 316L Stainless Steel |
ZHANG Nan1,2, ZHANG Haiwu2, WANG Miaohui1,2( ) |
1 China Machinery Institute of Advanced Materials Co. Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China 2 China Academy of Mechanical Science and Technology Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, China |
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Haiwu ZHANG,
Miaohui WANG.
Tensile Mechanical Properties of Micro-Selective Laser Melted 316L Stainless Steel[J]. Acta Metall Sin, 2024, 60(2): 211-219.
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