金属学报, 2020, 56(9): 1295-1303 DOI: 10.11900/0412.1961.2019.00440


孙正阳1,2, 杨超3, 柳文波,1,2

1 西安交通大学核科学与技术学院 西安 710049

2 西安交通大学陕西省先进核能工程研究中心陕西省先进核能技术重点实验室 西安 710049

3 北京理工大学前沿交叉科学研究院 北京 100081

Phase Field Simulations of the Sintering Process of UO2

SUN Zhengyang1,2, YANG Chao3, LIU Wenbo,1,2

1 School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi‘an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049,China

2 Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Advanced Nuclear Energy and Technology, Shaanxi Engineering Research Center of Advanced Nuclear Energy, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

3 Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China

通讯作者: 柳文波,liuwenbo@xjtu.edu.cn,主要从事核燃料和核材料的多尺度模拟

责任编辑: 毕淑娟

收稿日期: 2019-12-19   修回日期: 2020-02-24   网络出版日期: 2020-09-11

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金青年项目.  11705137
中国博士后科学基金项目.  2019M663738
中国博士后科学基金项目.  2018T111053
清华大学新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室项目.  KF201713

Corresponding authors: LIU Wenbo, associate professor, Tel: (029)82668948, E-mail:liuwenbo@xjtu.edu.cn

Received: 2019-12-19   Revised: 2020-02-24   Online: 2020-09-11

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.  11705137
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.  2019M663738
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.  2018T111053
State Key Laboratory of New Ceramic and Fine Processing, Tsinghua University.  KF201713
Innovative Scientific Program of CNNC

作者简介 About authors



利用相场模型对UO2陶瓷粉末的烧结过程进行了模拟。在修正的相场模型中,不仅考虑了表面扩散、晶界扩散和晶格扩散3种各向异性的扩散机制对烧结组织形貌和烧结动力学的影响,而且考虑了不同陶瓷颗粒之间的界面能对烧结形貌的影响。基于实验条件和热力学物性参数,对UO2陶瓷粉末在2000 K的烧结过程进行了模拟。模拟结果显示:初始形貌为圆形的陶瓷粉末有利于烧结过程的进行;烧结过程中存在大晶粒吞噬小晶粒的现象;晶界扩散机制是UO2烧结过程中的主导机制;晶界能的改变导致晶界与相界之间的平衡二面角发生改变。在此基础上,模拟了多晶UO2陶瓷粉末的烧结过程,模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好。

关键词: 相场模型 ; UO2 ; 烧结 ; 扩散机制


UO2 is widely used as fuel in various nuclear reactors, and the sintering of UO2 ceramic powder under high temperature is one of the most important processes during the preparation of UO2 fuel. However, sintering is a very complicated process which is controlled by many simultaneous mechanisms. The phase field method was used to simulate the sintering process of UO2 ceramic powder in the present work. In the modified phase field model, the influence of three anisotropic diffusion mechanisms, including surface diffusion, grain boundary diffusion and lattice diffusion, on the microstructure evolution during sintering was considered, and the effect of the interface energy between different ceramic particles on the sintering morphology was also considered. Based on the experimental conditions and thermodynamic parameters, the sintering process of UO2 ceramic powder at 2000 K was simulated. The simulation results showed that the initial morphology of the ceramic powder affects the sintering kinetics; large grains grow more easily, and small grains disappear at the last stage of sintering; the GB diffusion mechanism is the dominant mechanism during the sintering; the equilibrium dihedral angle between GB and phase boundaries can be strongly affected by the GB energy. In addition, the sintering process of the polycrystalline UO2 ceramic powder was also simulated, and the simulation results were in good agreement with the experimental results.

Keywords: phase field model ; UO2 ; sintering ; diffusion mechanism

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孙正阳, 杨超, 柳文波. UO2烧结过程的相场模拟. 金属学报[J], 2020, 56(9): 1295-1303 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2019.00440

SUN Zhengyang, YANG Chao, LIU Wenbo. Phase Field Simulations of the Sintering Process of UO2. Acta Metallurgica Sinica[J], 2020, 56(9): 1295-1303 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2019.00440


近年来,国内外学者针对陶瓷粉末烧结过程的数值模拟展开了一系列研究工作。目前,描述陶瓷粉末烧结过程的理论模型主要有Monte Carlo模型[8,9]、元胞自动机模型[10]、尖锐界面模型[11~13]和相场模型[14~19]。其中,相场模型基于扩散界面模型[20],引入了一系列有序变量来区分不同取向的晶粒和气孔相,相场变量在晶界和气孔表面处连续变化。因此,利用相场模型可以有效地追踪烧结过程中的复杂界面的演变过程,进而更高效地揭示其烧结微观组织演变。目前,包括有限差分方法[14~16]、有限元方法[17~19]在内的多种数值算法已经被应用于求解相场模型。因此,以相场理论为基础,对陶瓷粉末的烧结过程展开研究非常有意义。


本工作在上述相场模型的基础上,对现有的描述陶瓷粉末烧结过程的相场模型进行了修正。在新模型中,不仅采用张量的形式考虑了3种各向异性的扩散机制(表面扩散、晶界扩散和晶格扩散),而且考虑了不同陶瓷颗粒(晶粒)之间的界面能。在新模型的基础上,结合UO2在2000 K烧结时的物理参数和实验结果,分别对UO2 “双晶粒”和“多晶粒”的烧结过程进行了研究模拟。

1 相场模型

1.1 相场变量

本工作通过引入一系列取向场变量ηi (i=1, 2, 3, , p)和浓度场变量ρ来描述不同取向的陶瓷粉末(或晶粒)和气孔相。其中,η为非保守型相场变量,用来描述不同晶粒的取向,在一个特定的晶粒中只有一个ηi取值为1,其余均为0;ρ为保守型相场变量,在气孔相内部,ρ的取值为0在基体内ρ的取值为1。图1为扩散型相场界面的示意图,图中红色圆圈指出了相邻2个晶粒的晶界,蓝色圆圈指出了晶粒与气孔的边界。可以看出,在晶界处ηi的取值从1连续变为0 (或者由0变为1),在气孔边界处,ρ的取值从0连续变化为1。


图1   相场模型示意图

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Fig.1   Schematic of phase field model (The red and blue circles represent diffuse boundaries between grain boundaries, and between pore and grain, respectively. ρ—concentration field variable, η1orientation field variable of grain 1, η2orientation field variable of grain 2)

相邻2个晶粒之间的取向角θi (i=1, 2, 3, , p)可以用来描述晶粒的不同取向,而晶界两侧相邻2个晶粒i与晶粒j之间取向角差值θij (min(|θi-θj|),180°-|θi-θj|)与该晶界的晶界能密切有关。Read和Shockley[28]提出的RS模型建立了各向异性晶界能γijgbθij之间满足的方程:

γijgb=γmgbθijθm1-lnθijθm         θijθm<1γmgb                                        θijθm1


1.2 自由能密度函数的构造


F=fρ, η1, η2, , ηp+κρ2ρ2+κη2i=1pηi2d3r



fρ, ηi=Aρ21-ρ2+Bρ2+61-ρiηi2-4(2-ρ)iηi3+3(iηi2)2




1.3 相场演化的动力学方程















ηit=-LδFδηi=-Lfρ, η1, η2, , ηpηi-κi2ηi
(i=1, 2, , p)







常用的求解上述相场方程的数值方法主要有3种,分别为有限差分方法、有限元方法和Fourier Spectral方法。本工作基于有限差分方法通过编写程序进行模拟,Allen-Cahn方程和Cahn-Hilliard方程的求解采用了显式Euler算法,方程中Laplace项的求解采用了五点差分法。

2 模型的无量纲化

利用相场模型对UO2陶瓷粉末在2000 K温度下的烧结过程进行了数值模拟,模拟中用到的UO2的物理参数如表1[31,32,34]所示。

表1   UO2的物理参数[31,32,34]

Table 1  Physical parameters of UO2 at 2000 K[31,32,34]

Physical parameterValueRef.
Ds8.8258×10-11 m2·s-1[31]
Dgb7.8998×10-13 m2·s-1[32]
Dl7.8998×10-15 m2·s-1[34]
γs0.6 J·m-2[34]
γgb0.3 J·m-2[34]
δ6 nm[34]

Note:Ds—surface diffusivity, Dgb—grain-boundary diffusivity, Dl—lattice diffusivity, γs—surface energy, γgb—grain-boundary energy, δ—diffuse interface width

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式中,τ=t/t*,为无量纲时间;˜=l*,为无量纲Hamilton算符;M˜为无量纲化学迁移率张量,考虑3种扩散机制,M˜=M˜s+M˜gb+M˜l (其中,M˜s对应的标量M˜s=34DsDam2M˜gb对应的标量M˜gb=3Dgb4Dam2M˜l对应的标量M˜l=3Dl4Dam2);F˜为无量纲自由能函数,自由能函数中AB、κρκη等参数对应的无量纲形式A˜B˜κ˜ρκ˜η分别为:



表2   模拟中的无量纲参数表

Table 2  Non-dimensional parameters used in the present simulation


Note:A˜, B˜, κ˜η, κ˜ρnon-dimensional parameters of free energy function; M˜snon-dimensional surface mobility; M˜gbnon-dimensional grain-boundary mobility; M˜lnon-dimensional lattice mobility; L˜non-dimensional Allen-Cahn mobility;Δx, Δyspace scales; Δttime scale

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3 结果与讨论

3.1 双晶粒的烧结过程


3.1.1 晶粒形状的影响



图2   2个等尺寸圆形晶粒演化的相场模拟

(a) 2×104 step;(b) 10×104 step;(c) 180×104 step;(d) 250×104 step

Fig.2   Phase-field modeling of the microstructure evolution of two equal circle grains


图3   2个等尺寸的六边形晶粒演化的相场模拟

(a) 2×104 step;(b) 10×104 step;(c) 180×104 step;(d) 250×104 step

Fig.3   Phase-field modeling of the microstructure evolution of two equal hexagons









图4   不同形状晶粒的烧结颈的对数增长曲线

Fig.4   Logarithmic neck growth curves of two different shapes (l—neck length, t—time step)


图5   烧结颈增长的拟合曲线

Fig.5   Fitting curve of late neck growth

3.1.2 晶粒尺寸的影响



图6   2个不等大圆形晶粒演化的相场模拟

(a) 2×104 step;(b) 10×104 step;(c) 180×104 step;(d) 250×104 step

Fig.6   Phase-field modeling of the microstructure evolution of two unequal circles



图7   较大晶粒面积与烧结颈的演化曲线

Fig.7   Larger grain's area and neck growth curves as a function of time

3.1.3 扩散机制的影响



图8   不同扩散机制下双晶粒演化的相场模拟

(a1, b1) 10×104 step;(a2, b2) 20×104 step;(a3, b3) 50×104 step

Fig.8   Phase-field modeling of the microstructure evolution of a double grains system with only surface diffusion (a1~a3), and with surface diffusion, boundary diffusion and lattice diffusion (b1~b3) mechanism

3.1.4 晶界能各向异性的影响



不同γgbγs比值(γgb/γs)下烧结形成的不同的Φ图9所示,演化的时间步长均为106 step。可以看出,随着γgbs的减小,2个等大的晶粒在烧结过程中形成的Φ不断增大。RS模型认为,γgbθij密切相关(式(1))。如果陶瓷颗粒与气孔相之间的γs不变,而γgb随着θij发生变化,那么γgb/γs也会发生改变,从而产生不同的Φ


图9   不同晶界能下的平衡二面角

(a) γgb/γs=1.4, Φ=90°;(b) γgb/γs=1, Φ=120°;(c) γgb/γs=0.5, Φ=150°

Fig.9   Equilibrium dihedral angles generated using different grain boundary energies (Φ—equilibrium dihedral angle)

3.2 多晶粒烧结的模拟

实际的烧结过程是一个多晶粒的演变过程,多晶UO2的烧结组织演变过程的相场模拟结果如图10所示。模拟所用的初始组织为12个不同尺寸的晶粒(图10a)。为与实验结果保持一致,所选择的晶粒的平均半径为112 nm。整个模拟区域的差分网格尺寸为512×512,考虑了表面扩散、晶界扩散和晶格扩散3种扩散机制的耦合作用并利用RS模型计算各向异性的晶界能。从图10可以看出,烧结颈首先形成于2个相邻晶粒的初始接触点处;相邻2个晶粒之间的间隙逐渐演化成为晶界交叉处的气孔,气孔在演化过程中出现了“球化”现象(图10圆圈区域);随后烧结气孔对晶界的移动有一定的阻碍作用。本工作的相场模拟结果与扫描电镜(SEM)的实验观察结果[35]基本一致。


图10   多晶演化的相场模拟

(a) 0;(b) 2×104 step;(c) 10×104 step;(d) 50×104 step;(e) 100×104 step

Fig.10   Phase-field modeling of the microstructure evolution of multi-grain system



图11   图10中A晶粒面积增长曲线

Fig.11   Growth curve of grain A in Fig.10

4 结论

(1) 对现有的描述陶瓷粉末烧结过程的相场模型进行了修正。在修正的新模型中,不仅采用张量的形式考虑了3种各向异性的扩散机制(表面扩散、晶界扩散和晶格扩散),而且考虑了不同陶瓷粉末之间的界面能。

(2) 以实际烧结实验和热力学物性参数为依据,利用上述修正的新模型对UO2陶瓷粉末烧结过程进行了研究。结果显示:初始形貌为圆形的陶瓷粉末有利于烧结过程的进行;烧结过程中存在大晶粒吞噬小晶粒的现象;晶界扩散机制是UO2烧结过程中的主导机制;晶界能的改变导致晶界与相界之间的平衡二面角发生改变。UO2等大圆形颗粒的烧结过程中,后期烧结颈增长动力学满足幂函数规律,生长指数n=0.2。

(3) 利用上述模型对多晶UO2粉末的烧结过程进行了模拟,结果表明:多晶UO2陶瓷颗粒的烧结经历了晶粒黏结,烧结颈形成和生长,晶间气孔的变形和球化等一系列微观过程;晶间气孔的存在对晶界的迁移产生了阻碍,导致晶界迁移出现停滞,晶粒面积停止增长。


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Sintering is a process of bonding between solid particles which typically occurs under high temperature. Currently, simulation of sintering process is mainly concentrated on the single-phase polycrystalline materials. As there are a lot of materials which are biphasic porous system, it is of practical significance to simulate the microstructural evolution of biphasic porous system during sintering process. In this work, a new phase field model is established to simulate sintering process in biphasic porous system. The evolution of the component is governed by Cahn-Hilliard equation, while the orientation field by the time-dependent Allen-Calm equation. A. function is established to describe the relationship between atomic diffusion coefficient and grain boundary diffusion, surface diffusion and volume diffusion. A group of phenomenological coefficients are obtained by analyzing the characteristic of the phase-field model. The simulation results show that the new phase-field model can effectively simulate the sintering process in biphasic porous system. The formation and growth of sintering neck, the seal spheroidization and disappearance of pores as well as the mergence and growth of grains are observed during simulation. The sintering necks between the parent phase and the second phase grow very fast at the early stage of simulation, while at the late stage, because of the pinning effect, the growth rate of the sintering neck slows down obviously, pores become isolated by the grains, and its shape change from concave to convex, the relative small pores are eliminated, which leads to densification. As the sintering proceeds, the grain size of the second phase gradually decreases and the parent-phase grains are wrapped by the second-phase grains Because of the pinning effect of the second phase, the migration rate of the grain boundary of the parent phase is restrained. The evolution course of pores depends largely on the interaction between the second phase and the pores. The evolution rate of pores is quantitatively compared between the biphasic porous system and the single-phase system. In the case of biphasic porous system, the evolution rate of pores is slower than that in single-phase system. The simulating growth exponents of the parent phase are calculated with different volume fractions of the second phase. As the volume fractions of the second phase increase from 15% to 25%, the grain growth exponent changes from 2.9 to 3.4.

(刘明治, 张瑞杰, 方 伟.


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建立了新的模拟两相多孔材料烧结过程的相场模型, 采用Cahn-Hillard方程和Allen-Cahn方程来控制相对密度场和长程取向场的变化, 通过分析相场方程的特点, 对模型进行数学处理得到一组相场模型的唯象系数, 建立了原子扩散系数与晶界扩散、表面扩散和体积扩散的函数关系式. 模拟结果表明: 该模型能够有效地模拟两相多孔材料的烧结过程, 通过分析模拟图像可以很好地观察到两相多孔材料的微观组织演化过程.

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