金属学报, 2020, 56(5): 776-784 DOI: 10.11900/0412.1961.2019.00277


李源才, 江五贵,, 周宇

南昌航空大学航空制造工程学院 南昌 330063

Effect of Nanopores on Tensile Properties of Single Crystal/Polycrystalline Nickel Composites

LI Yuancai, JIANG Wugui,, ZHOU Yu

School of Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China

通讯作者: 江五贵,jiangwugui@nchu.edu.cn,主要从事计算材料学研究

收稿日期: 2019-08-19   修回日期: 2019-12-26   网络出版日期: 2020-04-23

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目.  11772145

Corresponding authors: JIANG Wugui, professor, Tel:(0791)83863040, E-mail:jiangwugui@nchu.edu.cn

Received: 2019-08-19   Revised: 2019-12-26   Online: 2020-04-23

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.  11772145

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 分子动力学 ; 预制纳米孔洞 ; 单晶/多晶Ni复合体 ; 拉伸性能 ; 孔洞位置 ; 孔隙率


The performance of the new generation aero-engine is strongly dependent on the application of integral blisk technologies, while the high-risk failure of integral disk joints severely restricts the promotion of those technologies. Therefore, the molecular dynamics method is used to investigate the influence of nanopores on the tensile properties of single crystal/polycrystalline Ni composites. The results show that the addition of single crystal nickel can increase the tensile strength of single crystal/polycrystalline Ni compared with polycrystalline nickel. The influence of pore position distribution on the tensile properties of single crystal/polycrystalline Ni is investigated. The simulation results show that nanopore defects in a single crystal region significantly aggravate the fracture at the single crystal/polycrystalline Ni interface. Pores not only penetrate the interface of composites but also rapidly expand inside the single crystal and the polycrystalline crystal, in which the interface of composites is further reduced resulting in the failure acceleration of single crystal/polycrystalline Ni composites. On the contrary, when the pores are in a polycrystalline region, the interface of single crystal/polycrystalline Ni hinders the amorphization of the polycrystalline nickel side and inhibits the pores from spreading toward the interface. When the pores are in the interface region, the pores do not continue to expand into the single crystal, but propagate inside the polycrystalline crystal. The effect of the porosity of interface pores on the tensile properties of single crystal/polycrystalline Ni is also discussed. It is found that the tensile strengthof single crystal/polycrystalline Ni decreases rapidly when the void porosity exceeds 0.8%. Finally, the influence of the number of voids on the tensile properties while maintaining the porosity of the interface pores is analyzed. When the porosity of the prefabricated pores of the interface is kept constant at 0.8%, the larger the number of pores (i.e., the smaller the pores), the larger the elastic modulus. In the plastic deformation stage, due to the large number of dispersed small pore structures at the interface of the single crystal/polycrystalline Ni composites, the dislocation motion is hindered, which plays a certain strengthening role and improves the tensile strength of the single crystal/polycrystalline Ni composites. It can be concluded that single crystal/polycrystalline Ni with dispersed small pores has better tensile properties than those with large pores.

Keywords: molecular dynamics ; prefabricated nanopore ; single crystal/polycrystalline Ni composites ; tensile property ; pore location ; porosity

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李源才, 江五贵, 周宇. 纳米孔洞对单晶/多晶Ni复合体拉伸性能的影响. 金属学报[J], 2020, 56(5): 776-784 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2019.00277

LI Yuancai, JIANG Wugui, ZHOU Yu. Effect of Nanopores on Tensile Properties of Single Crystal/Polycrystalline Nickel Composites. Acta Metallurgica Sinica[J], 2020, 56(5): 776-784 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2019.00277




1 模型与方法

图1a和b分别为fcc结构单晶Ni和多晶Ni的分子动力学模型。图1c为预制的球形孔洞模型示意图,两端分别为单晶Ni,晶向为X=[112¯]、Y=[1¯10]、Z=[111],单晶晶向标定通过开源代码ATOMSK软件完成,文献[20]也采用了该晶向标定方式。中间为多晶Ni,包含12个晶粒,平均晶粒半径为4.34 nm,这些均由ATOMSK软件实现[22]。分别在单晶Ni、界面和多晶Ni的几何中心处预制孔洞。预制孔洞中心间距为d,当d=4 nm时,表示孔洞处于多晶区域中间;当d=8 nm时,表示孔洞处于单晶/多晶界面处(图1c);而当d=10 nm时,表示孔洞处于两侧的单晶区域。在X轴、Y轴和Z轴方向均施加周期性边界条件。沿Z轴方向以一定的应变速率拉伸晶胞,实现Z方向的均匀拉伸变形。变形在NVT系综下进行[23,24,25]。温度设置为300 K,应变速率为5×109 s-1。根据文献[26]对应力-应变曲线开始段2%的数据进行线性拟合确定弹性模量(E),观察应力-应变曲线峰值,确定抗拉强度(σb)。为了研究预制孔洞位置对单晶/多晶Ni复合体拉伸性能的影响,每个预制孔洞位置(d=4、8或10 nm)选取5组试样,设置孔洞半径(R)分别为0.5、0.6、0.7、0.8和0.9 nm。相应的孔隙率(P)分别为0.1%、0.2%、0.3%、0.4%和0.6%。P的计算公式为P=Vpore/Vtotal,其中Vpore为孔洞体积,Vtotal为整体体系的总体积。为了研究孔洞半径的阈值,针对预制孔洞位于单晶/多晶界面问题,增加一组试样,其孔洞半径为1 nm,对应孔隙率为0.8%。为了研究在孔隙率保持不变的情况下孔洞数量对拉伸性能的影响,孔洞按上下界面对称分布,保持孔隙率为0.8% (即孔洞总体积基本不变),依次设置孔洞数量(N)分别为2、4、6、8和10,相应孔洞半径分别为1、0.7937、0.6934、0.6300和0.5848 nm。


图1   单晶Ni和多晶Ni分子动力学模型及单晶/多晶Ni复合体预制孔洞示意图(预制孔洞中心相距d=4、8或10 nm)

Fig.1   Molecular dynamics models of single crystal nickel (a), polycrystalline nickel (b) and the schematic construction of a single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites in which prefabricated voids are located on the central line of the construction (The distance between prefabricated void centers d=4, 8 or 10 nm) (c)


Etot=iF(ρi)+12i, jΦij(rij)




2 分析讨论

2.1 无孔洞与预制孔洞半径为1.1 nm时晶体Ni的拉伸性能

图2为无预制孔洞与孔洞半径为1.1 nm时单晶Ni、多晶Ni和单晶/多晶Ni复合体的应力-应变曲线。如图2所示,无孔洞缺陷的纳米单晶Ni在拉伸过程中应力初次下降后会再次回升,随后迅速下降,且第2次的峰值高于第1次峰值,这与文献[29,30,31,32,33]描述基本一致,且应力-应变曲线两次峰值与文献[34]基本吻合。孔洞对晶体Ni抗拉强度的影响可以通过(λ1-λ2)/λ1来计算,其中λ1λ2分别是无孔洞时和孔洞半径为1.1 nm时的抗拉强度。与无孔洞的情况相比,预制孔洞半径为1.1 nm的单晶Ni、多晶Ni和单晶/多晶Ni复合体,抗拉强度分别下降35.6%、43.1%和42.1%。


图2   无预制孔洞与孔洞半径为1.1 nm时不同晶态Ni应力-应变曲线

Fig.2   Tensile stress-strain curves of different constructions of crystalline nickel with void-free and with a prefabricated void with radius R=1.1 nm

2.2 预制孔洞位置对单晶/多晶Ni复合体拉伸性能的影响

无预制孔洞和不同位置预制孔洞单晶/多晶Ni复合体拉伸应力-应变曲线如图3所示。可见,应力在初始变形阶段呈现相同的增长趋势,曲线重叠,这与文献[16,17]研究结果基本吻合。假如预制孔洞位于单晶侧,当孔洞半径大于等于0.5 nm时,单晶/多晶Ni复合体抗拉强度迅速下降,如图3a所示。图3b显示,当预制孔洞位于多晶区域时,单晶/多晶Ni复合体的拉伸性能对半径小于0.7 nm的孔洞不敏感。而当预制孔洞位于单晶/多晶界面时,当孔洞半径达到1 nm后,单晶/多晶Ni复合体的抗拉强度才显著下降,如图3c所示。研究表明,在整体叶盘制备过程中,如果单晶/多晶复合体单晶一侧存在细小的孔洞缺陷,更易导致整体叶盘盘叶结合区拉伸性能下降,从而增加整体叶盘突然断裂的风险。


图3   无预制孔洞和不同位置预制孔洞单晶/多晶Ni复合体的拉伸应力-应变曲线

Fig.3   Tensile stress-strain curves of single crystal/polycrystalline Ni composites with void-free or prefabricated voids located on the central line of the construction near the single crystal side (a), near the polycrystalline side (b) and near the interface of single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites (c) (ε—strain)



图4   不同应变(ε)下单晶预制孔洞半径为0.6 nm,多晶预制孔洞半径为0.5 nm和单晶/多晶界面预制孔洞半径为0.6 nm的拉伸原子图

Fig.4   Atomic snapshots of single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites, as shown in Fig.1, with prefabricated voids with R=0.6 nm near the single crystal side (a~c), prefabricated voids with R=0.5 nm near the polycrystal side (d~f) and prefabricated voids with R=0.6 nm near the interface in single crystal/polycrystalline nickel interface (g~i) under different ε

(a) ε=0.099 (b) ε=0.139 (c) ε=0.199

(d) ε=0.069 (e) ε=0.246 (f) ε=0.346

(g) ε=0.034 (h) ε=0.256 (i) ε=0.369



2.3 界面预制孔洞数量对单晶/多晶Ni复合体拉伸性能的影响

图5为无预制孔洞和不同界面预制孔洞数量下单晶/多晶Ni复合体的拉伸应力-应变曲线和弹性模量变化曲线。观察图5a发现,预制孔洞数量为8与10时,材料的抗拉强度接近无孔洞单晶/多晶Ni复合体,这与文献[15]的结果基本吻合。当孔洞半径小于1 nm时,由于受原子间的引力作用,原子不断迁移,孔洞有弥合趋势,诱发多晶晶界移动,间接阻碍了位错的传播,造成位错塞积,从而加强了材料强度[15,16,17]


图5   无预制孔洞和不同界面预制孔洞数量(N)下单晶/多晶Ni复合体的应力-应变曲线和弹性模量变化曲线

Fig.5   Stress-strain curves (a) and elastic modulus variation curve (b) of single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites with void-free and different numbers of prefabricated voids (N) in the interface of single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites


图6为不同应变下单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面预制孔洞半径为0.5848 nm时的拉伸原子图。如图6a所示,ε=0.099时,塑性变形以及位错往复运动和相互作用,使得材料充满了位错缠结,位错运动受阻,产生了应力强化作用。这将导致单晶/多晶Ni复合体进一步变形的阻力变大,若要进一步变形,需更大的外载,因此材料的抗拉强度增大,如图6b所示。另外ε=0.324时,位错与晶界的反应导致晶界原子的重排,这加剧了单晶/多晶Ni复合体非晶化程度,如图6c所示。外部施加的载荷在多晶体中2个晶粒内会产生不同的弹性应变,从而导致局部高应力并通过孔洞加以释放。这说明当界面预制孔洞孔隙率保持0.8%不变时,一定数量的孔洞对拉伸性能影响不大。相比于大孔洞,一定数量的小孔洞阻碍了位错的运动,从而引起应力强化,对单晶/多晶Ni复合体的抗拉强度影响不大,小缺陷单晶/多晶Ni复合体仍具有较好的拉伸性能,这与文献[15,16,17]所述一致。在NVT系综下变形时,模型在XY方向长度始终保持不变。随着应变的增加,模型被拉长,Z方向长度变长。


图6   不同应变下单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面预制孔洞半径为0.5848 nm时的拉伸原子图

Fig.6   Atomic snapshots of single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites with prefabricated void with R=0.5848 nm in the interface of single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites under ε=0.099 (a), ε=0.199 (b) and ε=0.324 (c)



图7   不同应变下单晶/多晶Ni复合体径向分布函数(G(r))

Fig.7   Radial distribution function (G(r)) curves of single crystal/polycrystalline nickel composites under different strains (r—distance between atoms)

3 结论

(1) 对比了不同预制孔洞位置对单晶/多晶Ni复合体拉伸性能的影响。结果表明,单晶预制孔洞拉伸过程中,孔洞不仅穿越了单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面并在单晶与多晶晶体内部迅速扩展,此时单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面也进一步缩小,加速了单晶/多晶Ni复合体失效。多晶预制孔洞拉伸过程中,随着原子不断迁移,孔洞在多晶晶体内部扩展,并未穿过界面。单晶/多晶界面预制孔洞拉伸过程中,孔洞没有在单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面上继续扩展,而是在多晶晶体内部扩大。对于破坏形式而言,单晶预制孔洞对单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面性能影响更大。

(2) 孔隙率在0.8%以下时,单晶/多晶界面预制孔洞对单晶/多晶Ni复合体抗拉强度影响不大。与预制孔洞单晶相比,界面孔洞并未对单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面造成较大破坏。当孔隙率为0.8%时,单晶/多晶Ni抗拉强度迅速减小。所以可以将孔隙率0.8%作为单晶/多晶Ni复合体拉伸性能影响的阈值。

(3) 当界面预制孔洞孔隙率保持0.8%不变时,孔洞数量越多(即孔洞越小),弹性模量越大。塑性变形阶段,由于单晶/多晶Ni复合体界面处大量分散的小孔洞结构阻碍了位错运动,从而起到一定的强化作用,其抗拉强度接近无孔洞材料。所以当界面预制孔洞孔隙率保持0.8%不变时,相比于大孔洞,一定数量的球形小缺陷对单晶/多晶Ni复合体的抗拉强度影响不大,小缺陷单晶/多晶Ni复合体仍具有较好的拉伸性能。


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