金属学报, 2022, 58(11): 1360-1370 DOI: 10.11900/0412.1961.2022.00303



卢磊,, 赵怀智

中国科学院金属研究所 沈阳材料科学国家研究中心 沈阳 110016

Progress in Strengthening and Toughening Mechanisms of Heterogeneous Nanostructured Metals

LU Lei,, ZHAO Huaizhi

Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China

通讯作者: 卢 磊,llu@imr.ac.cn,主要从事块体纳米结构金属材料研究

责任编辑: 李海兰

收稿日期: 2022-06-20  

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(51931010)

Corresponding authors: LU Lei, professor, Tel:(024)23971939, E-mail:llu@imr.ac.cn

Received: 2022-06-20  

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(51931010)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(92163202)
Key Research Program of Frontier Science and International Partnership Program, Chinese Academy of Sciences(GJ-HZ2029)
Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program(XLYC1802026)

作者简介 About authors

卢 磊,女,1970年生,研究员,博士



关键词: 异质纳米结构金属; 层状结构; 纳米孪晶; 强韧化; 界面; 各向异性


Heterostructured metals typically exhibit excellent mechanical properties, such as high strength, plasticity, and fracture toughness, which are not present in conventional homogeneous materials. This is primarily due to the synergistic effects arising from the interactions between the internal components including the stress/strain gradients, geometrically necessary dislocations, and unique interfacial behavior. This study focuses on two typical heterogeneous nanostructures (laminated and nanotwinned) by reviewing the recent progress in their strengthening and toughening mechanisms. The analysis highlights the effects of the properties and sizes of the individual components, interfaces, and loading directions on the macroscopic strengthening and toughening behavior.

Keywords: heterogeneous nanostructured metal; laminated structure; nanotwin; strengthening and toughening; interface; anisotropy

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卢磊, 赵怀智. 异质纳米结构金属强化韧化机理研究进展[J]. 金属学报, 2022, 58(11): 1360-1370 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2022.00303

LU Lei, ZHAO Huaizhi. Progress in Strengthening and Toughening Mechanisms of Heterogeneous Nanostructured Metals[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2022, 58(11): 1360-1370 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2022.00303


从微观结构方面考虑,细化晶粒是实现金属材料强度和韧性同步提升的有效方法之一,但通常仅当晶粒尺寸在微米尺度时(>1 μm)效果明显[1];当晶粒进一步细化至亚微米~纳米尺度,大量晶界强化材料的同时,不可避免地造成塑性和韧性的损失[2],原因在于纳米晶粒内部位错运动严重受阻,导致应变硬化能力降低,无法有效地钝化裂纹[2,3];另外,在断裂过程中,高密度的大角度晶界也成为微观孔洞的优先形核位置(晶界/三叉晶界处容易产生应力集中)[4,5]。与此同时,高强度也促使纳米结构金属对裂纹尺寸更加敏感(相对于低强度材料而言),仅当裂纹尺寸很小时,纳米结构金属的高强度才能够完全发挥作用;一旦裂纹尺寸超过某一临界值(通常非常小,约几十微米)[6],高强材料的实际承载能力将会极大地受限于断裂韧性和裂纹长度。由于材料在加工或服役过程中,内部会不可避免地引入裂纹、孔洞等缺陷,因此,为确保高强度纳米结构金属在工程服役过程中的安全性,避免由于内部裂纹的存在而导致低载荷下破坏失效,精确测定其断裂韧性并研究其断裂行为和韧化机制至关重要。

与传统均质纳米结构金属通过控制内部结构缺陷(如位错或晶界等)的形成、持续减小特征微观结构尺度来阻碍位错运动实现强化的策略不同,异质纳米结构通过引入2种或2种以上具有显著性能差异的组分单元(组元的微观结构尺寸至少有一维特征尺寸在纳米量级)来实现综合力学性能的优化。通过调整组分间的异质性(如晶粒尺寸、晶体结构、晶体取向或化学成分等的差异[7]),或组分单元的本征属性、几何形态、体积分数、空间排布方式等,可构建出多样化的异质结构,如梯度结构[8,9]、双相结构[10,11]、层状结构[12]、双峰结构[13]等。得益于塑性变形过程中异质组元间的相互约束以及塑性不协调引发的几何必需位错(geometrically necessary dislocations,GNDs)的累积和背应力强化(又称为异质变形诱导强化,hetero-deformation induced (HDI) strengthening[14],具体描述见下节),异质纳米结构金属普遍兼顾高强度、高塑性和加工硬化[15],同时可克服纳米结构金属的极端脆性,实现高的断裂抗力[16],而这是传统均质或随机混合结构金属均无法实现的。

目前,对于异质结构金属的塑性变形机制以及强塑性协同方面的研究较为深入,而对于其断裂行为及韧化机制的研究却相对有限。相比于强度和塑性的测试(通过单轴拉伸实验),断裂韧性的测量过程相对复杂,且对试样尺寸、实验设备、测试方法以及后续的应力/应变分析等要求较高。为准确获得与试样尺寸无关的本征平面应变断裂韧性(KICJIC),首先应制备出三维尺寸足够大的块体样品,以满足线弹性断裂力学(B, b0 ≥ 2.5(KIC / σY)2,式中B为试样厚度;b0为初始韧带长度;σY为有效屈服强度)或弹塑性断裂力学(B, b0 ≥ 10 JIC / σY)对试样的尺寸要求[17]。而目前大部分制备方法,无论是自下而上的方法(如物理气相沉积[18]、电沉积[19,20]),还是自上而下的塑性变形技术(如表面塑性变形[21,22]等),所获异质结构样品均难以满足上述尺寸要求。另外,由于样品尺寸有限,通常需要利用微型试样(由标准试样等比例缩小),并采用对试样尺寸要求较小的弹塑性断裂力学(J积分)的方法进行断裂韧性测试。该方法面临的挑战是精准地测量微型试样的加载线位移(load-line displacement,LLD)以便于利用柔度法实时监控裂纹扩展长度。而由于传统夹式COD规(crack opening displacement (COD) gauge)本身尺寸太大,无法适用于微型断裂试样。因此,制备技术和测试方法的局限给异质纳米结构金属断裂韧性的研究带来了巨大挑战。

本文将以异质层状结构和异质纳米孪晶结构2类典型的异质纳米结构为例,评述其独特的强化和韧化机制,并着重介绍基于数字图像相关(digital image correlation,DIC)技术搭建的非接触式视频COD测量系统[23,24],在解决微型试样LLD测量这一技术难题以及在异质纳米孪晶金属断裂韧性测试方面取得的新进展。

1 异质结构金属的强化机制

异质结构金属的强化效果与其组成单元间的变形不兼容有关,导致软/硬界面附近出现明显的应变梯度。根据梯度塑性理论[25~27],这种应变梯度通常需要GNDs来承担,且GNDs密度与塑性应变梯度大小成正相关。异质界面处的GNDs累积促使软区内产生长程背应力(back stress);而在硬区内产生前应力(forward stress)[28,29],2者的耦合作用表现为宏观的HDI强化[14]。此外,软/硬组元间的相互约束也有助于缓解应变局域化,维持高的塑性变形稳定性[30]


1.1 组元间加工硬化差异对异质层状结构金属力学行为的影响




图1   层状结构Cu/Cu4Zn和Cu/Cu32Zn的局部微观结构(层间距λ = 19 μm)与相应的工程应力-应变曲线,以及3种层状纳米孪晶Cu样品的微观结构示意图与相应的工程应力-应变曲线和加工硬化率曲线,并与相应的单组分进行对照[33,34]

Fig.1   Microstructures and engineering stress-strain curves of laminated Cu/Cu4Zn and Cu/Cu32Zn, or nanotwinned Cu samples (GNT—gradient nanotwinned, HNT—homogeneous nanotwinned)

(a, b) microstructures of laminated Cu/Cu4Zn (a) and Cu/Cu32Zn (b) with layer thickness (λ) of 19 μm[33] (c, d) tensile engineering stress-strain curves of freestanding Cu, Cu4Zn, and Cu32Zn samples (c), and laminated Cu/Cu4Zn, Cu/Cu32Zn with different layer thicknesses (d) (Inset in Fig.1c shows work-hardening rate vs true strain of freestanding Cu, Cu4Zn, and Cu32Zn)[33] (e-g) schematics of microstructures of three sandwiched nanotwinned Cu samples (GNT-ⒶⒷ, GNT-ⒶⒸ, and GNT-ⒶⒹ) (e), and their engineering stress-strain curves (f) and work hardening rate (Θ) vs true strain curves (g) in comparison to their HNT components[34]


1.2 异质纳米孪晶结构金属的强化机制

纳米孪晶结构在实现金属的强韧化方面具有独特的优势,这是由于低能的共格孪晶界不仅能够有效地阻碍位错运动从而强化金属,同时还能够为位错提供丰富的存储空间,维持良好的塑性和加工硬化[35]。这种优势不仅体现在均匀纳米孪晶金属中(将纳米孪晶均匀地引入到亚微米或微米尺度的晶粒内部),而且在异质结构中也可发挥有效的强韧化作用。通过动态塑性变形(dynamic plastic deformation,DPD)技术,将纳米孪晶束(nanotwin bundle)作为一种“异质相”引入到纳米晶或粗晶基体中,已实现多种金属或合金的强韧化[36~38]。例如,通过引入体积分数为24%的纳米孪晶束,可将316L奥氏体不锈钢强化到约1.4 GPa[39],并能维持良好的断裂韧性[37]。这是由于纳米孪晶束不仅能够有效地强化金属(归因于其超高的强度[40,41]),同时,在断裂过程中,还能够发挥有效的本征和非本征韧化作用,从而提高异质纳米结构金属的断裂韧性(详见2.2节)[37,38]


纳米孪晶束取向是调控其强化效果的重要因素。均匀纳米孪晶作为一种典型的二维结构,即相对较小的孪晶片层间距(处于纳米尺度)和相对较大的孪晶片层长度(处于亚微米~微米尺度),导致其塑性变形机制以及宏观力学行为存在显著的各向异性,即:存在3种位错模式(① 硬模式I:位错滑移并穿过孪晶界;② 硬模式II:贯穿位错(threading dislocations)在孪晶片层内部受限滑移;③ 软模式:Shockley不全位错沿孪晶界滑移分别主导着垂直于孪晶界(twin boundaries,TBs)、平行于TBs和45°倾斜于TBs方向上的塑性变形[44])。因此,均匀择优取向纳米孪晶Cu在宏观上表现出显著的各向异性强化和加工硬化,其中垂直于TBs的强度最高,平行于TBs的强度中等,而45°加载时强度最低[44]



图2   拉伸试样在动态塑性变形(DPD) Cu样品中的取样方式示意图,DPD Cu样品中典型的截面微观结构(显示纳米孪晶束(NT)镶嵌在纳米晶(NG)基体中),纳米孪晶/纳米晶混合结构Cu在不同加载方向下的拉伸工程应力-应变曲线,并与粗晶Cu进行对比,及Sample-P、Sample-N和Sample-I在1.0%宏观应变量下的局部全场应变分布图[45]

Fig.2   Sampling schematic diagram, cross-sectional microstructures, and stress-strain curves of DPD Cu (DPD—dynamic plastic deformation)[45]

(a) schematic of the tensile specimens in the DPD disc and their orientations relative to the twin boundaries (TBs), i.e., parallel, normal, and 45° inclined to TBs, hereafter referred to as sample-P, sample-N, and sample-I, respectively (b, d) typical cross-sectional microstructures of DPD Cu, showing the nanotwins (NT) in the form of bundles embedded in a matrix of nanograins (NG) (c) tensile engineering stress-strain curves for the DPD processed heterogeneous nanostructured Cu and the coarse-grained (CG) Cu serve as a counterpart for comparison (e-g) local strain fields in sample-P (e), sample-N (f), and sample-I (g) at applied strain of 1.0%. The nanotwinned regions are denoted as NT, where the underscore indicated the direction parallel to TBs. The black dash lines indicate the position of the NT/NG interfaces. The tensile axes (TA) are represented by the double-headed arrows

这种强化效果的差异与异质纳米结构中两组分(即纳米孪晶束和纳米晶基体)之间的塑性变形协调性有关。利用高分辨DIC方法对各取向试样的局部塑性应变场分析(图2e~g[45])发现:平行TBs加载时(图2e[45]),纳米孪晶束与纳米晶基体之间没有明显的应变分区,表明2者发生协调塑性变形;而垂直于TBs (图2f[45])和45°加载(图2g[45])时,两组分间存在明显的塑性变形不协调,此时应变分别集中于纳米晶基体(垂直于TBs)或孪晶束(45°加载)中。


2 异质结构金属的韧化机制



2.1 异质层状结构金属的韧化机制

层状结构金属由于存在大量的层间界面,可以激活多种与界面相关的机制,实现材料增韧,如图3a~e所示。这些韧化机制的启动取决于裂纹与层界面的相对取向[47,48]:当裂纹面和裂纹扩展方向均垂直于异质界面时(即图3a所示的Crack arrester方向),如果界面结合力较弱(对于金属/陶瓷、金属/聚合物等复合材料而言)[48~50],则会因界面脱粘而发生裂纹偏折或层裂(图3b),这会显著降低裂纹尖端的局部应力场强度[51],并促进裂纹尖端钝化[47];而当界面结合力较强,且软/硬层之间存在较大的塑性或韧性差异时(如金属/非晶、粗晶金属/纳米晶金属组成的异质层状结构),微裂纹会优先在脆性非晶或纳米晶层中形核,但随后裂纹扩展会被韧性层所阻碍(图3c)。在此过程中,韧性层可通过塑性变形来耗散能量,并在裂纹尾迹桥连裂纹,阻碍裂纹扩展[52,53]


图3   层状异质结构材料在不同裂纹取向下的韧化机制,Al-7075/Al-1050异质层状结构金属的EBSD微观结构[54]及其在Crack arrester方向冲击断裂的SEM断面形貌[54]

Fig.3   Toughening mechanisms recorded in laminated materials with different cracking orientations relative to the heterointerfaces (a-e), EBSD and SEM images of the Al-7075/Al-1050 laminate (f-h)

(a-c) crack arrester orientation with both crack plane and crack growth direction perpendicular to the interfaces, where the crack deflection, delamination, or crack bridging may be activated (d, e) crack divider orientation with the crack plane perpendicular to the interfaces while the crack growth direction parallel to the interfaces, where the delamination may be developed (f, g) EBSD maps show the microstructure of the Al-7075/Al-1050 laminate[54] (h) SEM image of a Charpy fractured sample of the Al-7075/Al-1050 laminate tested in crack arrester orientation[54]

当裂纹面垂直于异质界面而裂纹扩展方向平行于界面时,即图3d所示的Crack divider方向,裂纹前沿区域在三轴应力作用下会沿相对较弱的异质界面发生大范围的层裂(delamination)[47],导致生成垂直于初始裂纹面的二次裂纹(图3e)。这一方面会促进裂纹尖端钝化和能量吸收;同时也将裂纹尖端的平面应变状态(不利于材料塑性变形)转变为平面应力状态(有利于材料塑性变形),增大参与断裂过程的材料体积,从而提高断裂阻力[55,56]

层状结构材料中界面的增韧效果与其结合强度密切相关[57]。对于由高碳钢和低碳钢组成的多层结构[58],在Crack arrester方向表现出抗冲击性能的极大改善,这源于缺口附近界面脱粘导致的裂纹钝化。在此过程中,界面结合力越弱,反而越有利于界面脱黏和能量吸收,从而获得更加优异的抗冲击性能[58]。将高碳钢与黄铜进行复合组成异质层状结构,可有效消除高碳钢的韧脆转变行为,并获得优异的低温抗冲击性能[59]。利用该原理,还有望改善高强纳米结构金属的脆性。例如,利用热轧工艺制备将细晶Al-7075铝合金层与粗晶Al-1050层交替堆叠成层状结构(图3f和g[54]),获得的冲击韧性是初始态Al-7075合金的近18倍[54]。这种断裂抗力的优化归因于高强Al-7075的本征韧化以及界面脱粘导致的层裂和裂纹偏折(图3h[54])。由此可见,通过调整界面结合强度及维持可控的界面脱粘是异质层状结构金属获得高韧性的关键。

层状结构材料的断裂行为也表现出显著的尺寸效应[61]。对于纳米多层结构金属(由层厚在纳米级的组元交替叠加构成),其强度/硬度通常随单层厚度的降低(在几百纳米~几纳米范围)而呈现出上升趋势[62]。然而,塑性和韧性却呈现出不同的层厚依赖性[60,63]。研究[60,63]发现,对于由韧性Cu层和脆性的X层(X = Nb或Zr)组成的软/硬交替多层膜(图4a和b[60]),其韧性和塑性随层厚变化并非单调变化,而是存在一个明显的临界层厚值(约25 nm),韧性或塑性在该值附近达到峰值(图4c[60])。原因在于:对于韧/脆多层结构金属,微裂纹首先在脆性层形核,而韧性层可以通过发射位错钝化裂纹,从而限制裂纹的扩展。当层厚大于25 nm时,随着层厚的减小,脆性X层中的裂纹尺寸以及相应的裂纹尖端应力场强度逐渐减小,此时Cu层可以有效地约束裂纹扩展,因而宏观表现为断裂韧性的增加[63];但随着层厚继续降低至25 nm以下,Cu层内位错活动逐渐受到抑制,导致其对含裂纹脆性X层的约束作用减弱,因而断裂韧性降低,表现出宏观脆性[60]。该结果表明,通过构建异质多层结构,并合理调控软/硬层比例或层厚,确保软层对硬层的有效约束作用,可以使脆性金属在不损失高强度的情况下实现增韧。


图4   纳米多层结构Cu/Nb和Cu/Zr的微观结构,及Cu/Nb和Cu/Zr多层膜中断裂韧性(KIC)随Cu层厚度(hCu)的变化关系[60]

Fig.4   Microstructure and fracture toughness of nanolayered metals[60] (a, b) microstructures and corresponding SAED patterns (insets) of Cu/Nb (a) and Cu/Zr (b) nanolayered films (c) dependence of fracture toughness (KIC) on the thickness of Cu layer (hCu) for the Cu/Nb and Cu/Zr films (dots and left y-axis), and the calculated normalized KIC (lines and right y-axis) at different normalized cohesive strengths (σc / μ, where σc is cohesive strength and μ is the shear modulus of Cu layer)

2.2 异质纳米孪晶结构金属的韧化机制




图5   断裂试样在DPD Cu样品中的取样方式示意图,不同取向试样的裂纹扩展阻力(J-R)曲线,及裂纹扩展过程示意图[16]

Fig.5   Schematic illustration of the CT specimens and their orientations, J-integral resistance(J-R) curves, and schematic illustrations of the failure process for the DPD Cu samples[16] (CT—compact tension)

(a) schematic illustration of the CT specimens and their orientations in the DPD disc. The CT specimens were labeled with two-letter codes based on the crack plane orientation and crack growth direction with respect to the TBs inside the NTBs, i.e., parallel (P), normal (N), and 45° inclined (I) to the TBs, respectively; i.e., P-P, N-N, I-I and N-P, where the first letter designates the orientation of the expected crack plane with respect to the TBs, while the second letter designates the crack propagation direction with respect to the TBs

(b) J-R curves (c-f) schematic illustration of the failure process under different cracking orientations (The insert SEM image in Fig.5e shows a micro-crack (indicated by the white arrow) initiated at the NT/NG interface)

鉴于纳米孪晶存在明显的各向异性变形和力学行为[44],研究其各向异性韧化行为也十分重要。对于由择优取向纳米孪晶束和纳米晶基体组成的异质纳米结构Cu (微观结构见图2b和d[45]),分别沿着不同的裂纹方向(相对于孪晶界,如图5a[16]所示)进行断裂韧性测试[16],并获得完整的裂纹扩展阻力(J-integral resistance,J-R)曲线(图5b[16])。结果表明:当裂纹面和裂纹扩展方向均垂直于孪晶界时(即图5a[16]中的N-N取向),断裂韧性最高,其JIC值是P-P取向(裂纹面和裂纹扩展方向均平行于孪晶界)的近3倍。这种各向异性断裂韧性与纳米孪晶束的各向异性韧化以及拉长状纳米晶导致的裂纹偏折有关[16]。当裂纹沿N-P和N-N取向扩展时(图5c和d[16]),纳米孪晶束可以发挥桥连韧带的作用,阻碍裂纹扩展;而对于P-P和I-I取向(图5e和f[16]),纳米孪晶束会因与周围纳米晶基体发生塑性变形不协调(图2f和g[45]),而导致两组分界面处提前萌生微裂纹(图5e插图[16]),从而导致纳米孪晶束无法发挥有效的桥连韧化作用。此外,在N-N和I-I取向下(图5d和f[16]),还出现了明显的裂纹偏折,这是由于主裂纹面偏离纳米晶长轴所致。值得注意的是,N-N取向同时激活了裂纹桥连和裂纹偏折2种韧化机制,因而获得了非常优异的强韧性匹配(KIC约90 MPa·m1/2,σy约535 MPa)。由此可见,通过调整纳米孪晶在异质结构中的取向也是优化其强韧性匹配的有效途径。

3 结语与展望



(1) 断裂韧性测试原理与技术




(2) 高强、高韧异质纳米结构设计及强韧性优化



(3) 异质纳米结构金属断裂行为及韧化机制的深入探索






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Nano-grained (NG) metals are believed to be strong but intrinsically brittle: Free-standing NG metals usually exhibit a tensile uniform elongation of a few percent. When a NG copper film is confined by a coarse-grained (CG) copper substrate with a gradient grain-size transition, tensile plasticity can be achieved in the NG film where strain localization is suppressed. The gradient NG film exhibits a 10 times higher yield strength and a tensile plasticity comparable to that of the CG substrate and can sustain a tensile true strain exceeding 100% without cracking. A mechanically driven grain boundary migration process with a substantial concomitant grain growth dominates plastic deformation of the gradient NG structure. The extraordinary intrinsic plasticity of gradient NG structures offers their potential for use as advanced coatings of bulk materials.

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The attainment of both strength and toughness is a vital requirement for most structural materials; unfortunately these properties are generally mutually exclusive. Although the quest continues for stronger and harder materials, these have little to no use as bulk structural materials without appropriate fracture resistance. It is the lower-strength, and hence higher-toughness, materials that find use for most safety-critical applications where premature or, worse still, catastrophic fracture is unacceptable. For these reasons, the development of strong and tough (damage-tolerant) materials has traditionally been an exercise in compromise between hardness versus ductility. Drawing examples from metallic glasses, natural and biological materials, and structural and biomimetic ceramics, we examine some of the newer strategies in dealing with this conflict. Specifically, we focus on the interplay between the mechanisms that individually contribute to strength and toughness, noting that these phenomena can originate from very different lengthscales in a material's structural architecture. We show how these new and natural materials can defeat the conflict of strength versus toughness and achieve unprecedented levels of damage tolerance within their respective material classes.

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In order to quantify the fracture toughness and reveal the failure mechanism of crystalline/amorphous nanolaminates (C/ANLs), in-situ micro-cantilever bending tests were performed on Ag/Cu-Zr and Mo/Cu-Zr-C/ANLs in a scanning electron microscope over a wide range of cantilever widths from several microns to the submicron scale. The results demonstrate that the fracture behavior was strongly influenced by sample size and constituent phases, respectively. The Ag/Cu-Zr micro-cantilevers failed in a ductile manner, with fracture toughnesses higher than the Mo/Cu-Zr samples that exhibited brittle failure. Both materials also displayed different cantilever width-dependences of fracture toughness. The Ag/Cu-Zr beams showed a fracture toughness that increases ith the cantilever width, mainly due to a size-dependent constraining effect on the deformation of the crystalline phase. For the Mo/Cu-Zr beams, the fracture toughness decreased gradually to a low plateau as the cantilever width exceeded similar to 1500 nm, which can be rationalized by a transition in stress condition. The underlying fracture mechanism of the Ag/Cu-Zr micro-cantilevers was identified as the interconnection of microcracks initiated in the amorphous Cu-Zr layers, compared to a catastrophically penetrating crack propagation in the Mo/Cu-Zr samples. The discrepancy in size-dependent fracture behavior between the two material systems is discussed in terms of plastic energy dissipation of ductile phases, crack tip blunting, crack bridging and the effect of strain gradient in the plastic zone on crack propagation. (C) 2019 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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Developing ultrahigh-strength steels that are ductile, fracture resistant, and cost effective would be attractive for a variety of structural applications. We show that improved fracture resistance in a steel with an ultrahigh yield strength of nearly 2 gigapascals can be achieved by activating delamination toughening coupled with transformation-induced plasticity. Delamination toughening associated with intensive but controlled cracking at manganese-enriched prior-austenite grain boundaries normal to the primary fracture surface dramatically improves the overall fracture resistance. As a result, fracture under plane-strain conditions is automatically transformed into a series of fracture processes in "parallel" plane-stress conditions through the thickness. The present "high-strength induced multidelamination" strategy offers a different pathway to develop engineering materials with ultrahigh strength and superior toughness at economical materials cost.Copyright © 2020 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Nanolaminates are composed of nanoscale-thick alternating layers of different materials and their properties are dependent on the individual layers, the layer thickness and the interfaces between the layers. Nanolaminates composed of cubic crystal structured metals are usually ductile compared to nanolaminates containing hexagonal crystal structured metals. Mechanical properties such as strength and hardness of nanolaminates increase with a decrease in individual layer thickness down to a few nanometers and they become independent when the thickness of individual layers is less than a couple of nanometers. This review provides a detailed analysis of the effects of individual layer thickness and the interface structures on the strength and the strengthening mechanisms of nanolaminates, their ductility and fracture behavior in terms of structural variations including grain morphologies, nanotwins, amorphous phases and crystal structures of the layers. The principles for designing nanolaminates with exceptionally high mechanical and physical properties and their fabrication are also highlighted. Some contradictory issues such as strengthening mechanisms, elastic modulus dependency on individual layer thickness and the effect of a thin amorphous layer on the strength are discussed. This review also provides future research directions in designing the high-strength nanolaminates that will facilitate practical engineering applications through analyzing up-to-date research efforts.

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