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Acta Metall Sin  2008, Vol. 44 Issue (2): 145-149     DOI:
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Contrastive Studies on Chromium Metal Preparation Using FFC and SOM Process
陈朝轶 CHEN Chao-yi
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CHEN Chao-yi. Contrastive Studies on Chromium Metal Preparation Using FFC and SOM Process. Acta Metall Sin, 2008, 44(2): 145-149 .

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Abstract  A new process of the Solid Oxygen-ion Membrane(SOM) to produce Chromium directly from Cr2O3 has been proposed in this paper. Which was contrasted with the FFC process. Through SEM, EDX and XRD analysis the result showed that, when electrolyzed for a period 2 hours using SOM process, the Cr2O3 pellets were full reduced to Cr metal, oxygen content was not found in the Cr particles, with the current efficiency and current density being 83 pct and 0.72A/cm2, respectively. But using FFC process to electrolyze for 6 hours, only outside of the Cr2O3 pellets were reduced to Cr metal, the inside without reduction, with the current efficiency and current density being 22 pct and 0.31A/cm2, respectively. The changing law of current with time showed that the SOM process have many merits such as the faster electrolysis speed, higher current efficiency and current density, the aside reactions were not happened. So it has a promising future.
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Received:  17 May 2007     

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