金属学报(中文版)  2019 , 55 (1): 45-58 https://doi.org/10.11900/0412.1961.2018.00457

Orginal Article


崔立山, 姜大强

中国石油大学(北京)理学院 北京 102200

Progress in High Performance Nanocomposites Based ona Strategy of Strain Matching

CUI Lishan, JIANG Daqiang

College of Science, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102200, China

中图分类号:  TG139

文章编号:  0412-1961(2019)01-0045-14

通讯作者:  通讯作者 崔立山,lscui@cup.edu.cn,主要从事形状记忆合金及其复合材料研究

收稿日期: 2018-09-28

网络出版日期:  2019-01-11

版权声明:  2019 《金属学报》编辑部 《金属学报》编辑部

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目No.51231008


作者简介 崔立山,男,1963 年生,教授



纳米线具有超高强度及超大弹性应变,以其增强的复合材料被预期具有超常力学性能,然而,已有研究结果一直“令人失望”。其原因是纳米线的超常力学性能未能在复合材料中体现。基于对位错滑移型金属基体中的位错与纳米线界面交互作用是“失望”之源的猜想,提出采用点阵切变型金属的切应变与纳米线的弹性应变相匹配的设计概念,选择纳米线Nb/NiTi 记忆合金等体系,证实了纳米线(带、粒子)的超常力学性能得以在复合材料中体现,使复合材料具备超常力学性能成为现实。此外,还发现上述突破可引发复合材料呈现超常力学性能的新机制(大应力耦合效应等)。据此设计的Nb纳米线/NiTi 记忆合金复合材料兼具:弹性应变极限大于6%,弹性模量低于28 GPa,屈服强度高达1.65 GPa。

关键词: 应变匹配 ; 马氏体相变 ; 形状记忆合金 ; 纳米复合材料


Freestanding nanowires have ultrahigh elastic strain limits (4%~7%) and yield strengths, it is expected that composites reinforced by nanowires will have exceptional mechanical properties. However, the results obtained so far have been disappointing, primarily because the intrinsic mechanical properties of nanowires have not been successfully exploited in bulk composites. This is thought to be due to the inelastic strain incompatibilities at typical dislocation-piled-up interfaces. Therefore, we proposed a concept of elastic and transformation strain matching to realize the intrinsic mechanical properties of the nanowires. By creating a nanostructured composite consisting of nano Nb embedded in a NiTi matrix, the intrinsic mechanical properties of Nb nanowires, nano ribbons and nano particles are realized. Besides, this breakthrough triggers a new mechanism of stress coupling that induces the nanocomposite showing excellent mechanical properties. Based on the design strategy, we developed an in situ composite that possesses a large quasi-linear elastic strain of over 6%, a low Young's modulus of less than 28 GPa, and a high yield strength of 1.65 GPa.

Keywords: strain matching ; martensitic transformation ; shape memory alloy ; nanocomposite


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崔立山, 姜大强. 基于应变匹配的高性能金属纳米复合材料研究进展[J]. 金属学报(中文版), 2019, 55(1): 45-58 https://doi.org/10.11900/0412.1961.2018.00457

CUI Lishan, JIANG Daqiang. Progress in High Performance Nanocomposites Based ona Strategy of Strain Matching[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2019, 55(1): 45-58 https://doi.org/10.11900/0412.1961.2018.00457

纳米线具有超大弹性应变极限(4%~7%)及超高屈服强度[1,2,3,4],材料科学家预见,以其增强的复合材料应具有超常性能。然而,研究[5]表明,纳米线的超常力学性能不能在复合材料中体现(弹性应变极限小于1.8%),使大块复合材料未呈现预期的超常力学性能,此“超常力学性能未能从纳米走向宏观”现象被喻为“死亡之谷”。诸多学者[5,6,7]将其原因归结为:(1) 纳米线在基体中分散不均匀,且其难以沿受载方向定向分布;(2) 纳米线与基体界面结合强度低。近年来,经过诸多努力已成功制备了纳米线在基体中分散均匀、沿受载方向定向分布,且两者界面强度高的复合材料(如Nb纳米线/Cu原位复合材料[8,9,10,11])。然而,复合材料中纳米线仍未能体现超常力学性能。对此,Dzenis[5]指出,材料科学家曾预见,由于纳米线具有超高强度,其增强复合材料应具有超常性能,然而,已有研究结果均令人失望;虽然一直在进行大量研究,然而前景似乎比以前更加渺茫;纳米线的本征超大弹性应变/超高强度在复合材料中不能被实现,且目前尚不清楚这种实现是否可能。

1 应变匹配概念的提出及证实


图1   位错滑移型金属基体及其与纳米线匹配的二维点阵示意图,当位错(两根位错)滑移至界面时位错滑移基体输出应变的分布示意图

Fig.1   Two-dimension lattice schematic of the strain match between the nanowire and the dislocation slip matrix(a) matrix before dislocation slip(b) formed Burgers step (red line) after dislocation slip(c) atomic-scale high stress concentration (dotted circle) was generated when the dislocation moves to the interface between the nanowire and the matrix(d) schematic of the strain (ε) distribution when the dislocation slips to the interface, which shows the inelastic shear strain of matrix (εdislmatrix) approaches 100% around dislocation and elastic strain of matrix (εelmatrix) of about 0.2% away the dislocation


图2   点阵切变基体与纳米线匹配的二维点阵及应变分布示意图,基体发生应力诱发马氏体变形(马氏体和母相共存)过程中点阵切变基体输出应变的分布示意图

Fig.2   Two-dimension lattice schematic of the strain match between the nanowire and the lattice shear matrix(a) matrix before lattice shear(b) matrix after lattice shear(c) interface between the nanowire and the matrix after lattice shear, showing no atomic-scale high stress concentration(d) schematic of the strain distribution when the matrix experiences the stress induced martensitic transformation, which shows the elastic strain of matrix (εPmatrix) of about 1% around parent and shear strain of matrix (εMmatrix) approaches 7% around martensite. This 7% strain matches the elastic strain of the nanowire (εelnanowire) of about 6% (red line)

依据上述思想,我们采用真空感应熔炼获得成分为Ti39Ni41Nb20 (原子分数,%)的Nb-NiTi共晶合金锭,通过常规的锻造及拔丝获得Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金原位复合材料丝材(图3a[12]),其中,Nb纳米线沿丝轴向均匀、弥散分布在NiTi基体中(图3b和c[12])。采用电解萃取法去除NiTi基体,可发现Nb纳米线簇长度大于120 mm (图3d和e[12]),直径约为60 nm (图3f[12])。

图3   Nb纳米线/NiTi基体复合材料丝材及其微观组织[12]

Fig.3   The macro and micro images of the nanowire Nb/NiTi composite[12]
(a) a coil of composite wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm
(b) scanning TEM image of the cross section of composite wire (bright regions, cross sections of Nb nanowires; dark regions, NiTi matrix)
(c) TEM image of a longitudinal section of composite wire (NW indicates nanowire)
(d) macroscopic appearance of a bundle of freestanding Nb nanowires
(e, f) SEM images of the freestanding Nb nanowires


图4   Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金样品在原位拉伸过程中的高能同步辐射XRD谱以及Nb纳米线的晶格应变曲线[12]

Fig.4   The high energy synchrotron XRD of the nanowire Nb/NiTi sample during tensile test and the evolution of the lattice strain with respect to the applied strain of Nb nanowire[12](a) the diffraction peak of the Nb (220) plane perpendicular to the loading direction shifts obviously when the NiTi showing the stress induced martensitic transformation (SIMT—stress-induced martensitic transformation)(b) the diffraction peak of the Nb (220) plane perpendicular to the loading direction shifts slightly when the NiTi showing plastic deformation(c) evolution of the lattice strain with respect to the applied strain for Nb (220) planes

采用原位拉伸同步辐射高能X射线进行了大量测试实验,发现对于不同直径(10~60 nm)的Nb纳米线,在NiTi基体发生应力诱发马氏体相变过程中,其呈现的弹性应变极限在4%~7%范围内(图5(2)[12]),与以往报道的单体态纳米线弹性应变极限相当(见图5(3)[12]),远高于位错滑移基体中纳米线的弹性应变极限(见图5(1)[12]),这充分证明了我们提出的“应变匹配”新设计概念,使纳米线超大弹性应变得以再现,跨越了长期困扰材料科学家的“死亡之谷”[5]

图5   Nb纳米线在位错滑移型金属基体中在应力诱发马氏体相变NiTi基体中的弹性应变极限,与文献报道的多种自由态纳米线的弹性应变极限的比较[12]

Fig.5   Comparison of the elastic strain limits of Nb nanowires embedded in the matrix deforming by dislocation slip (1), Nb nanowires embedded in the matrix deforming by SIMT (2), and some freestanding nanowires (3)[12]

基于上述突破,研发的Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金基体复合材料呈现超常力学性能(图6a[12]),其中,弹性应变极限大于6%,远大于大块金属材料(图6c[12]);弹性模量低于28 GPa,远低于以往报道的大块金属材料,与人骨的弹性模量相当(图6d[12]);屈服强度大于1.65 GPa,弹性储能高达50 J/cm3 (是弹簧钢的10倍),表明Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料兼具超大弹性应变、低弹性模量及高屈服强度的综合性能,填补了三大类工程材料力学性能的挑战区(图6b[12])。

图6   Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料(NICSMA)的拉伸应力-应变曲线、NICSMA性能占据三大类工程材料性能挑战区、NICSMA与其它金属材料屈服强度和弹性应变极限的比较、与其它材料屈服强度和弹性模量的比较[12]

Fig.6   Tensile stress-strain curves of the nanowire in situ composite with shape memory alloy (NICSMA) composite (εe—elastic limit, σs—yield strength, E—elastic modulus) (a), comparison of strengths and elastic strains of ceramics, metals, polymers and our composite (marked by NICSMA) (b), comparison of the yield strengths and elastic strain limits of different materials (c), comparison of the yield strengths and Young's moduli of different materials (d)[12]

2 相变基体中纳米线超大弹性变形的特异性


最初,我们曾认为,相变基体中纳米线的超大弹性变形与单体态纳米线类似[12],我们进一步推测,这是由于基体发生均匀型应力诱发相变所致,该均匀型相变造成纳米线与基体的两相(母相+马氏体相)邻接,而马氏体相的输出应变(约6%)远大于母相的输出应变(约1%)。由于同步辐射高能X射线束尺寸(0.4 mm×0.4 mm)远大于此两相的尺度,因此,其测试结果为纳米线弹性应变的平均值,尚不能揭示相变基体中纳米线弹性变形的本质行为。

为使高能X射线探测到与单一马氏体相区域邻接纳米线的弹性变形行为,我们通过调整纳米线比例,使基体发生Lüders bands型相变(高能X射线探测区的基体由单一相组成)。图7a[13]为发生Lüders bands型相变样品循环加卸载的应力-应变曲线。结果发现,伴随母相转变为马氏体相(图7b[13]中加载由B→C,B2-NiTi (211)峰消失,B19'-NiTi (001)峰出现),Nb纳米线的弹性应变由1.4%跳跃式增加到5.2% (图7c[13]中B→C),其增量(3.8%)是外加应变增量(0.2%)的19倍,这说明纳米线的超大弹性变形与基体的相变变形同步。证明了纳米线的弹性变形受基体的马氏体相变变形(马氏体片的形核与长大在小于10-3 s内完成)控制,呈现瞬时性与局域性。

图7   Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金样品的拉伸循环应力-应变曲线、样品在第一次加载过程中的同步辐射高能XRD谱、纳米线在第一次加卸载过程中的晶格应变曲线、纳米线在第二次加卸载过程中的晶格应变曲线[13]

Fig.7   The cyclic tensile stress-strain curve of the nanowire in situ composite with shape memory alloy sample (a), evolution of the diffraction peaks for Nb (220), B2-NiTi (211) and B19'-NiTi (001) planes perpendicular to the loading direction during loading (b), evolution of the lattice strain with respect to the applied strain for Nb (220) plane perpendicular to the loading direction during the first cycle (c), evolution of the lattice strain with respect to the applied strain for Nb (220) plane perpendicular to the loading direction during the second cycle (d)[13]


3 相变基体中纳米线弹性变形行为的TEM观察


首先,采用TEM观察了Nb纳米线体积分数分别为10%和20%的NiTi基体复合材料微观组织,由于2种样品的电子衍射谱中B2-NiTi<110>衍射强度在0°~360°范围分布均匀,而纳米线Nb<110>衍射强度主要沿轴向分布,说明NiTi基体几乎不存在织构,而Nb纳米线存在较强的<110>丝织构,见图8a和b[14]。还可关注到:在2种样品中,Nb纳米线均平行于轴向排列,其中,前者样品中Nb纳米线的直径为10~15 nm,略小于后者Nb纳米线的直径(20~30 nm),见图8c和f [14];2种样品中NiTi基体晶粒细小,直径均为20 nm。从图8g和h[14]可见,2种样品中Nb纳米线在视野范围内呈单晶态,Nb纳米线与NiTi基体呈良好的半共格界面。

图8   Nb纳米线体积分数分别为10%和20%的NiTi记忆合金复合材料丝材的电子显微分析[14]

Fig.8   TEM analyses of two NiTi shape memory alloy composites with 10% and 20% volume fraction Nb nanowire[14]
(a, b) SAED patterns of longitudinal view of the two samples(c, d) TEM bright field images of the two samples corresponding to Figs.8a and b(e, f) HAADF images of the two sample(g, h) HRTEM image revealing the interfaces between a Nb nanowire and NiTi matrix

图9[15]是采用原位拉伸TEM (可双倾)观察的复合材料中Nb纳米线的弹性变形行为,发现在原位拉伸过程中,Nb纳米线的弹性应变呈现不均匀性。在邻接马氏体片区域的弹性应变高达约8% (图10[15]),远高于以往报道的纳米线弹性应变,接近纳米线理论弹性应变极限。

图9   在原位TEM拉伸过程中Nb纳米线的弹性变形行为[15]

Fig.9   TEM study of lattice strain matching between Nb nanowires and the NiTi matrix[15]
(a) bright feld image of a microbeam fabricated by means of focus ion beam milling(b) enlarged view of a Nb nanowire in the beam(c) HRTEM image of the region marked as c in Fig.9b(d) TEM image of the microbeam upon loading to about 3.23% strain(e) enlarged TEM image of the region marked as e in Fig.9d, showing the three martensite plates (marked as M1, M2 and M3) nucleated in the NiTi matrix(f~h) HRTEM images of the regions marked as f, g and h in Fig.9e(i~l) filtered HRTEM images of the regions marked as i in Fig.9c and as j~l in Figs.9f~h

图10   包含M1和M3马氏体板条区域的高分辨像及Nb纳米线中晶格应变的变化规律[15]

Fig.10   HRTEM image of the region covering martensite plates M1 and M3. The interplanar spacing variation was calculated at an interval of seven (110)Nb planes (a) and distribution of the lattice strain as a function of distance from the start plane (b)[15]

4 应变匹配概念的普适性


4.1 普适于纳米带

图11a和b[12]分别是Nb纳米带/NiTi记忆合金复合材料丝的横截面和纵截面的STEM像。可见,均匀分布在NiTi基体中Nb元素以纳米带形式存在,其平均厚度约为20 nm,宽度主要集中在60~200 nm。原位拉伸同步辐射高能X射线衍射结果表明(图11c[12]),在基体发生应力诱发马氏体相变过程中,Nb纳米带呈现的弹性应变高达6.5%,远大于基体发生位错滑移过程中纳米线的弹性应变(1.5%),证实了“应变匹配”的设计概念普适于纳米带。

图11   Nb纳米带/NiTi基体复合材料丝的横截面和纵截面的STEM照片、垂直于加载方向的Nb (220)晶面的晶格应变与施加应变的关系曲线(插图为样品在室温下的拉伸应力-应变曲线)[12]

Fig.11   STEM images of a cross-section (a) and a longitudinal-section (b) of a ribbion Nb/NiTi composite, evolution of the d-spacing strain with respect to the applied macroscopic strain for the Nb (220) plane perpendicular to the loading direction (Inset shows the stress-strain curve of the sample at room temperature) (c)[12]

4.2 普适于纳米粒子

通过热处理使复合材料丝材中Nb粒子的平均直径为120 nm。原位同步辐射高能X射线衍射拉伸结果表明,在B2-NiTi基体发生Lüders bands型应力诱发马氏体相变过程中,Nb纳米粒子呈现的弹性应变达到2%。而在B2-NiTi基体发生了位错滑移塑性变形过程中,Nb粒子呈现的弹性应变为0.83%。说明相变基体中纳米粒子的弹性应变明显高于位错滑移基体中纳米粒子的弹性应变,证实了“应变匹配”的设计概念普适于纳米粒子。

4.3 普适于去孪晶基体

通过化学成分设计,使NiTi基体处于马氏体(内部为孪晶)状态,同步辐射检测发现,随着Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料样品拉伸应变的增加,NiTi基体的马氏体发生去孪晶(图12b[16]);采用TEM观察证明了在拉伸(8.7%)过程中马氏体态NiTi基体发生了去孪晶变形(图12c[16]),且在此过程中,Nb纳米线呈现的弹性应变达到5.6% (图12a[16]),远高于位错滑移型金属基体中Nb纳米线的弹性应变,与自由态纳米线弹性应变相当(图12d[16])。证实了“应变匹配”的设计概念普适于去孪晶基体中的纳米线。

图12   Nb(110)晶面晶格应变与施加应变的关系曲线(插图是Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料拉伸应力-应变曲线)、在加载过程中B19′-NiTi(001)晶面的衍射强度与二维X射线衍射谱方位角的关系曲线、在8.7%循环前后马氏体态NiTi基体中孪晶形貌的比较、纳米线的弹性应变极限与以往文献报道的比较[16]

Fig.12   Evolution of d-spacing strain with respect to applied strain for the Nb (110) plane perpendicular to the wire axial direction during tensile loading (Inset is the macroscopic stress-strain curve of the NICSMA composite) (a), evolution of X-ray diffraction intensity of B19′-NiTi <001> planes versus the azimuth angle during tensile loading (b), TEM micrographs of twin morphologies of the martensitic NiTi matrix before and after a tensile deformation cycle to 8.7% (c), comparison of the elastic strain limits of Nb nanowires embedded in the matrix deforming by dislocation slip (1), Nb nanowires embedded in the matrix deforming by detwinning (2), and some freestanding nanowires (3) (d)[16]

5 利用应变匹配概念研发高性能复合材料

5.1 指导研发高力学性能复合材料

5.1.1 超大线弹性应变Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料丝材 通过化学成分设计与热处理调控,获得的Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料中NiTi基体处于马氏体状态。基于Nb纳米线的超大弹性应变(图13a[17],根据原位拉伸同步辐射测试的衍射峰计算),以及其与纳米尺度马氏体畴之间的耦合作用,该复合材料呈现的线弹性应变为4%,远高于现有金属材料;屈服强度为1800 MPa,储能效率大于96%,远超过商业化NiTi记忆合金(图13b[17])。

图13   Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料在加卸载过程中Nb纳米线的晶格应变随外加应变变化曲线、复合材料在加载过程中的应力-应变曲线以及与商业化NiTi记忆合金的对比[17]

Fig.13   The d-spacing strain with respect to applied macroscopic strain for the Nb (110) planes perpendicular to the loading direction in the NiTi-Nb composite (a), comparison of tensile stress-strain curves of the composite wire (red curve) and a commercial superelastic NiTi wire (yellow curve) (b)[17]

5.1.2 高超弹应力小滞后Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料 通过化学成分设计、冷拔丝及热处理调控,获得了Nb纳米线/纳米晶NiTi记忆合金复合材料,基于Nb纳米线的高强度及其与纳米晶NiTi基体之间的耦合作用,使复合材料呈现的超弹应力高达1.8 GPa,如图14[18]所示,是普通NiTi记忆合金的3倍;超弹应力滞后约为100 MPa,是普通NiTi记忆合金的1/3。

图14   Nb纳米线/NiTi记忆合金复合材料及其与单体NiTi超弹性曲线的对比[18]

Fig.14   The tensile cyclic stress-strain curves of the nanostructured Nb reinforced NiTi shape memory alloy composite wire (strain: 4% and 5%); the tensile cyclic stress-strain curve of a commercial superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy wire[18]

5.1.3 研发高强高韧Ti3Sn/NiTi记忆合金复合材料 基于化学成分设计Ti57Ni35Sn8 (原子分数,%),通过Ti-Ni-Sn合金的液-固共晶转变,获得原位自生亚微米尺度TiNi-Ti3Sn片层复合材料,TiNi和Ti3Sn的片层厚度分别约为300和200 nm (图15a和b[19])。复合材料中的TiNi与Ti3Sn相界面结合良好(图15c[19]),两组元的晶体结构分别为D019-Ti3Sn和B19′-TiNi结构(图15d和f[19])。微观组织结构观察结果和高能X射线测试一致,如图15f[19]所示。

图15   Ti3Sn/TiNi复合材料微观组织结构[19]

Fig.15   Typical microstructure of the TiNi-Ti3Sn composite[19]
(a) SEM backscattered electron images of the composite. The inset shows the Ti3Sn (light)-TiNi (dark) lamellar structure at high magnification
(b) TEM bright-field image of the composite. The inset shows the button ingot of the composite
(c) HRTEM image of the interface between TiNi and Ti3Sn
(d, e) display selected-area electron diffraction patterns of the Ti3Sn and TiNi lamellae, respectively, shown in Fig.15b
(f) one-dimensional high-energy X-ray diffraction (HE-XRD) pattern of the composite. The inset contains its corresponding two-dimensional HE-XRD pattern

Ti3Sn/TiNi复合材料在加载过程中,Ti3Sn的弹性应变(晶格应变,如图16a[19]所示)在TiNi发生起始弹性变形和去孪晶变形过程中迅速增加,之后逐渐增加到2%,此弹性应变极限是单体Ti3Sn (大约0.3%)的6倍,远高于位错滑移基体中各种增强相(纳米线、片及颗粒)的弹性应变极限(图16b[19]),说明NiTi基体的马氏体去孪晶(点阵切变)能使亚微米尺度Ti3Sn呈现大弹性应变极限。

图16   Ti3Sn/TiNi复合材料变形行为[19]

Fig.16   Deformation behavior of the TiNi-Ti3Sn composite[19]
(a) the lattice strain evolutions of B19'-TiNi (022) and Ti3Sn (201) planes perpendicular to the loading direction as a function of the applied macroscopic strain. The inset shows an enlarged view of the lattice strain curve of the TiNi in the initial stages of deformation
(b) the comparison of the elastic strains of Ti3Sn achieved in our composite with different reinforcements (such as nanowires, laminates, and particles) embedded in conventional metal matrices, which are deformed by dislocation slip

基于马氏体态NiTi基体中Ti3Sn呈现大弹性应变极限,Ti3Sn/TiNi复合材料展示的最大压缩强度高达3 GPa,断裂应变超过30% (图17a[19]),此综合力学性能远超过其它高性能共晶片层复合材料(图17b[19])。

图17   Ti3Sn/TiNi复合材料的的室温压缩应力应变曲线、复合材料的力学性能和其它的高性能金属基复合材料对比[19]

Fig.17   Room-temperature compressive stress-strain curve of the composite (a), comparison of the mechanical properties of our composite with those of other high-performance metal-based lamellar composites in which the soft component is a conventional metal (without the "J-curve" deformation attributes) rather than the biopolymer-like metal ("J-curve" deformation attributes) (b)[19]

5.2 提高NiTi记忆合金的双程驱动特性



图18   复合材料丝双程驱动特性[20]

Fig.18   Two-way actuated properties of the composite wire[20]
(a) output strain-temperature curve of the composite without external load
(b) evolution of d-spacing strain with respect to temperature for the Nb (110) plane perpendicular to the wire axial direction


5.3 指导研发优异物理与化学性能的复合材料


5.3.1 提高Nb纳米线/NiTi基体复合材料的超导温度 如前所述,若Nb纳米线与马氏体态NiTi基体构成复合材料,在后者发生马氏体去孪晶的过程中,前者的弹性应变极限为4%~6%,远高于后者的弹性应变极限(约0.5%),则可认为,在此复合材料经历加载-卸载后,纳米线处于拉应变状态,而NiTi基体处于压应变状态,从而实现了在无外载情况下,复合材料中的纳米线保持拉应变。


图19a[16]是马氏体态NiTi基体与Nb纳米线在拉伸循环过程中的一维高能XRD谱,经Nb (110)面间距计算可得,经不同应变加、卸载后,Nb纳米线保留不同的弹性应变,最大可达2.8% (图19b[16])。此复合材料中批量纳米线的弹性应变大于文献报道的弹性应变(图19c[16]),解决了长期困扰材料科学家的“大块金属材料大弹性应变难以保留与调控”的难题,可望促进弹性应变工程领域发展[16]

图19   Nb纳米线/NiTi复合材料在拉伸循环过程中的一维高能XRD谱、NiTi基体中Nb纳米线被保留弹性应变与拉伸应变的曲线、NiTi基体中Nb纳米线被保留拉伸和压缩弹性应变与文献报道的基材表面薄膜被保留拉伸和压缩弹性应变的比较[16]

Fig.19   Evolution of high-energy X-ray diffraction peaks for Nb (110) and B19′-NiTi (001) planes through the multiple-step tensile cycles (a), evolution of d-spacing strain with respect to applied strain for the Nb (110) plane perpendicular to the wire axial direction during the multiple-step tensile cycles (b), comparison of the retained tensile and compressive elastic strains of large quantity Nb nanowires in the composite without external load and those of the reported thin films on substrates and embedded nanoinclusions in films (c)[16]

5.3.2 提高NiTi合金表面Pt纳米膜的电催化性能 采用磁控溅射方法在NiTi记忆合金表面制备Pt纳米膜,利用NiTi记忆合金基底的双程形状记忆效应使Pt纳米膜保持拉、压弹性应变,以调控Pt纳米膜的电催化氧还原活性。实验结果表明,NiTi记忆合金基底使Pt纳米膜(厚度为5 nm)保持1.93%的压缩应变,提高其电催化性能高达52%,如图20[28]所示。

图20   不同应变状态的10 nm Pt和5 nm Pt纳米膜的氧还原反应(ORR)线性伏安扫描(LSV)曲线对比[28]

Fig.20   Polarization curves of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) of 10 and 5 nm Pt nanofilm under different strain states at a scan rate of 0.3 V/s. The data of 10 nm Pt nanofilm are shown with standard deviation[28]

此外,还研发了提高物理与化学性能的表面纳米膜/形状记忆合金复合材料,例如:(1) 表面FePt纳米膜/NiTi记忆合金复合材料,利用NiTi基底的形状记忆效应对FePt纳米膜施加压应变而提高其磁学性能[29,30];(2) 表面半导体纳米膜/FeNiCoTi合金复合材料,利用FeNiCoTi基底的马氏体相变浮凸,对其表面半导体纳米膜施加拉应变,从而提高其光催化活性[31];(3) 表面TiO2纳米膜/TiNiNb记忆合金复合材料,利用TiNiNb记忆合金的双程记忆效应对其表面TiO2纳米膜施加弹性应变,而缩小其能带宽度[32];(4) 表面TiO2纳米膜/FeNiCoTi合金复合材料,利用FeNiCoTi基底的马氏体相变浮凸,对其表面TiO2纳米膜施加拉应变,从而提高其光催化性能[33]

6 结论与展望



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
