陈扬, 毛萍莉, 刘正, 王志, 曹耕晟

Detwinning Behaviors and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Precompressed AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Subjected to High Strain Rates Impact
CHEN Yang, MAO Pingli, LIU Zheng, WANG Zhi, CAO Gengsheng
图2 沿轧制方向预压缩4%后轧制态AZ31镁合金板材的反极图、晶界图、{0001}极图、晶粒尺寸分布图和取向差角分布图
Fig.2 EBSD analysis results of the rolled AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet precompressed along RD with a true strain of 4%
(a) inverse pole figure (b) grain boundary figure
(c) grain size distribution (d) {0001} pole figure
(e) misorientation angle distribution